There is no regular newsletter this week - because I’m off to Paris for the weekend.
At the time of writing (Thursday lunchtime) I am currently in a panic of packing and overthinking.
And at the time you receive this I’ll be on my way to the airport (many hours too early) and panicking even more, so I am getting out in front of it now.
I am flying out solo to meet my husband who is currently there already, a process involving several large steps (leaps) outside my comfort zone:
My first solo flight in over 25 years (previous to having children I was apparently carefree and gallivanting around Europe - a fact I have trouble recalling these days).
Solo travel on the Paris Metro (I don’t speak much French, but can read it fine)
Checking into our hotel (see above)
All will be fine…breathe and repeat.
I am consoling myself with the fact that I’ll finally be able to take my Paris project bag to the city it was inspired by - and gifted to me by a friend when a planned knitters trip to Paris years ago, fell through due to kids being ill (and generally annoying 🤣)
Not being able to go on the trip did at least give me lots of knitting time and I used it to design and knit one of my favourite triangular shawls - Paris Is Always a Good Idea. It’s a fun one, perfect for travel as you cast on the longest edge first (ideally before you leave the house) and from then on it’s garter stitch and decreases all the way.
If you would like to knit your own version of Paris… please accept a 50% discount with the code PARIS50 on my website or on Ravelry (until Mon 11 Nov). Just tap the link above with my compliments.
And maybe have a little cast on party of your own with a croissant or two - oh la la!
Ooh what a delight! Hope you're soaking up every wonderful minute!
Have a great trip! I went to Paris when I was 14 and then again when I was 54 for my honeymoon. I don't think I'll wait so long to go back next time lol! I hope the flight went well. I'm flying to Shetland on my own next year (it's an organised tour but hubby won't be with me).