This is the tale of a curious cat. A bold cat. A cat that gives precisely zero f*cks. A cat that I hope will get your week off to a flying start, in the way that cats can often speak to our souls.
Every Monday I send an exclusive email out to members of my paid community here. It’s content varies but I always try to start the week with something positive, something uplifting. We all need something happy in our inbox to look forward to the start of the week - and with my Monday Thoughts email I try to do just that.
It might not always be about knitting, but sometimes it is.
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On a recent visit to Norwich Cathedral I was entranced and intrigued in equal measure by the finding of a little kitty house tucked into a corner at the entrance to the South Transept.
The 900 year old building is wonderful of course, it is steeped in history and there is so much to look at and experience. It is a really soulful place still, in a way that some larger cathedrals have managed to lose slightly in their quest to have visitor centres and gift shops and ‘voluntary’ donations. Those things are still there of course, but it is still very much a place of worship and reflection, where all are welcome.
And not just humans.
After seeing the little wooden kitty house I was intrigued, naturally as to why it was there. Then, on walking around the church we were lucky enough to see why. I have never seen a cat in a church before but this beautiful creature was snoozing gently right in the middle of the building - reclining on a metal hot air vent (naturally).
He looked up to acknowledge the few visitors walking quietly around, stretched and then went back to sleep.
I was utterly delighted, as you might imagine.
On returning home I did a bit of googling at it turns out that Budge, the Cathedral Cat is quite the celebrity. According to the information on the website, Budge (a resident of one of the nearby houses) simply decided to stroll into the church during a Good Friday service in 2019 and decided he liked it there.
The Cathedral is now his official second home and he can often be seen snoozing around the building (or in his little kitty house).
Budge even has his own Instagram account!
I was in Norwich to visit my son at Uni and obviously I was pleased as punch to see him and have a hug.
But meeting Budge the Cathedral Cat totally made my day - and I hope it made you smile too.
Thank you for being here - and I hope you have a great week
What a delight to read. I am now following Budge on Insta, OBVIOUSLY.
A lovely story- I wonder if he does a bit of mousing there to pay for his lodging!