We've always told our children to just say yes to trying new things. Our daughter is at camp right now, and we told her to just say yes. Rock climbing, yes. Kayaking, yes. This is her 3rd year at this camp, so she knows the routine, and always says yes. But, then again she usually says yes on her own anyway. We as adults need to heed our own advice, and just say yes.

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That's fantastic advice, and a great thing to teach your kids

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I am in very serious need of something to put all my accumulated crafty stuff in - my little room has some storage, but that's already all taken and my balls of yarn are piled on the shelf!! I have done something utterly terrifying for my next Substack letter - we will see if I actually send it including the terrifying thing.... I keep telling myself - what's the worst that can happen...

Foundationless crochet sounds intriguing - although I already have so many things already on the go that I should probably put a pin in that for another time!!

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Ooh, that all sounds very intruiging. Will keep an eye on your next Substack letter with interest

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Love the tote, it looks great!

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Thank you. I'm really pleased with how they turned out

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