Jul 12Liked by Louise Tilbrook

I recently went back onto Ravelry and had a look at my queue. In the past if I had the pattern and the yarn it went in the queue. But due to you know, the Issue, I hadn't kept it up to date. So everything on there was at least 4 years old. But they felt new. So I reordered it slightly and then cast on a shawl that was first published in 2018 and I'm loving it. So yes, I'm up for the craft along.

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I know exactly what you mean. Ravelry feels like a different crafting lifetime ago. You've reminded me to go and check out my queue there - I probably have some hidden gems I had totally forgotten about.

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I was different. I recently went on & deleted almost everything! If I do knit something I will search fresh anyway, so the queue was a weight.

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Jul 12Liked by Louise Tilbrook

What if we did a pairing- old pattern, new yarn or stash yarn, new pattern? It’s hard for me to do two at once. Thank you for considering and for the inspiration.

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Ooh - that's a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Jul 23Liked by Louise Tilbrook

I have got my Knit mood back. & I have knitted 2.5 pairs already. I had this sudden need to knit my special yarns for socks for me. Not even to wear yet, but to put away for later when some of the others have worn out. So Yay. It is true that it is all new again. Currently using a yarn called Milly Molly Mandy, cos of course I had to have one called that. It's coming up a treat.

Thanks for the inspo to do it too. Your timing was just right.

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Jul 22Liked by Louise Tilbrook

This may be a cheat - but - my ‘current’ project has been going on so long - it’s now old! So I am counting that as mine

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That definitely counts

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Jul 17Liked by Louise Tilbrook

I am not a fan of discord. It is aptly named and feels discordant. So many side threads and convos going at once and notifications going constantly. I have notifications turned off and I don’t remember to go in and look at them.

I like the idea of new yarn, old pattern and/or old yarn, new pattern. That’s a clever interpretation of the saying!

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Oh, I’m so pleased you said that. I’ve really tried to like Discord but I’ve never really gelled with it.

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Jul 13Liked by Louise Tilbrook

I clicked on just Substack, but Substack and Instagram are fine, too even just Instagram works. So far I haven't been able to get along with Discord.

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I struggle with Discord too, although I know other love it. I have tried to join a few knitting groups there but I keep forgetting to check it.

My two teen sons use it though - it's the only way I have of communicating with them some days 🤣

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Jul 12Liked by Louise Tilbrook

Very happy to join, provided I'm allowed to call The Before Times 'old' and the New Normal 'new'!

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Jul 12Liked by Louise Tilbrook

I love this idea!

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