Welcome to Everyday Knitter
This is the place where I like to chat about my knitting and my life - probably in equal measure. I am a keen knitter and designer of fuss free knitting patterns. But I’m also a multi-dimensional human interested in so much more than just yarn and needles. And I suspect that you are too.
My Everyday Knitter Substack is my little place of ‘me’ on the internet - a place where I can show up, unapologetically as myself. Here you will find my weekly newsletter as well as a chatty, vibrant Everyday Knitter community.
Become a subscriber and get my weekly emails straight to your inbox.
My weekly email newsletter goes out to all subscribers. In addition, paid subscribers have access to a monthly book club, accountability and chat threads for all of your knitting-related chat. We also host occasional physical swaps of either letters or yarn - kind of like a yarny Penpal service.
Join the Everyday Knitter community
Pull up a chair and welcome in to my community of like-minded souls - people just like you. If you are interested in all aspects of a slower, more intentional life then grab your knitting - or creative pursuit of choice and come and join us. You would be more than welcome.
If you know of a friend who you think would be interested, please do use the share button below to let them know about it. With my grateful thanks.