Join the community
Welcome to the Everyday Knitter community
A place to…relax, grab your knitting and chat with like-minded souls. It’s a space just for you. Free from Facebook distractions and Instagram algorithms. A place to just hang out for a little bit.
There is a gentle power that settles when people come together as a community and I very much hope to be able to welcome you into that here.
As a paid-subscriber you will receive:
Special subscriber-only posts where I talk about issues in more detail than space allows on my regular blog or social media. With these posts, so much magic happens within the comments and conversations - where it’s less about me and more about you.
Exclusive ‘Monday Thoughts’ emails - every Monday you’ll find a short message from me in your inbox. Usually a journal prompt for the week ahead and a reflection or two on what’s lighting me up currently.
Membership of the Everyday Knitter monthly book club. Each month we will take a vote on which book to read that month. We’ll connect regularly during the month to check in with how we are all doing and to share reflections and thoughts as we read.
Gentle accountability and paid-member only chat threads. You aren’t alone. We use the Chat section here as a cosy, community space where we can share come together and share what projects we are working on.
I’m also experimenting with monthly accountability threads - where we can share our knitting progress and hold ourselves very gently accountable for achieving a few knitting goals throughout the year.
Nice things people have said: